GopherCon 2019 - Design Command-Line Tools that People Love
These are some notes from my experiences at the GopherCon 2019. I don’t expect these will be laid out in any particularly useful way; I am mostly taking them so I can remember some of the bits I found most useful in the future.
Presenter likes subcommands that read like sentences (cmd verb noun [name] [–flags])
- Saying things out loud and it sounding good is a nice guide
Follow precendent in naming when it makes sense (easier transitions)
Always machine output format option (json)
Default human first output
Multiple positional args only when order doesn’t matter
go-humanize for relative datetimes, byte sizes, plurals, etc
Good help text (examples)
Aliases / shortcuts / good defaults are nice for humans (e.g., skip verbs or nouns when it makes sense)
Task-bundled commands are nice for humans
Needs high quality code behind it
- Reliable
- Good error messages / help
- Maintainable and testable
Recommends cobra
- But still have to think about testing etc
Design package(s), not just a cli
Pro-tip: keep
isolated -
– called after flags but before run